Bridal Boot Camp at Arena District Athletic Club
July 17, 2015
For all the Central Ohio or Columbus Brides getting married – you need to check out the Arena District Athletic Club (ADAC).
Right now they have a bride blogging about her 60-Day Bridal Boot Camp at ADAC. In the 60 days left until her September wedding she is taking advantage of all the free group fitness classes that ADAC offers to it’s members. She also plans on having weekly meetings with the various personal trainers at the club who will help push her to meet her fitness goals which are below.
1. Get stronger and more toned. I especially want my back and arms to look great since the “dress” mostly shows those off.
2. Build confidence in myself and my body. I want to be ready to face the cameras… and the altar. No run away brides here.
3. Learn strength training exercises. I’m only a tiny bit embarrassed to admit that I was home schooled through 6th grade and then in Middle and High School I chose the artsy music electives over PE.
4. Reduce all my wedding and other life stress. Just going to work everyday and making sure my dog is alive can be stressful. Add having to find a caterer who can cook a meal where there are options for all of my gluten free, dairy free, vegan, and vegetarian friends, as well as my soon-to-be mother-in-law who has a pepper allergy – now that can be stressful.
Any bride can relate to wanting to be in the best shape for her wedding, and this blogger talks about all the ways that the Arena District Athletic Club is the perfect place to get fit. Even if you have little to no gym experience, ADAC offers some spectacular personal trainers who will guide you through various exercises and can even show you how to use the state of the art fitness equipment that the club offers.
So if you are planning out all the details for your big day don’t forget to take care of yourself! See how ADAC can help you get in the best shape of your life and start your own Bridal Boot Camp story!